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Professions & Occupations

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Showing 1811 results



Subject Category

Professions & Occupations
Academic (11)
Accountancy (69)
Architects & Designers (4)
Armed Forces (51)
Armed Forces: Air Force (6)
Armed Forces: Army (68)
Armed Forces: Navy (16)
Auctioneering (5)
Banking & Finance (395)
Broadcasting (5)
Building & Construction (3)
Catering (9)
Civil Servants (8)
Computers (3)
Crime (123)
Dental (12)
Domestic Servants (2)
Engineering (6)
Estate Agents (7)
Farming (233)
Fishing (39)
Health & Beauty (12)
Law (169)
Manual Work (97)
Medical (179)
Music / Composer / Conductor (34)
Novelist (1)
Nursing (9)
Painters & Sculptors (2)
Physiotherapy & Osteopathy (1)
Police, Fire & Ambulance (94)
Post Office & Deliveries (8)
Prostitution (3)
Public Speaking (1)
Publishing (11)
Religion (35)
Retail (16)
Sales (29)
Scientist (4)
Secretarial (6)
Spying (1)
Teaching (6)
Traditional Occupations (81)
Working From Home / Wfh (71)
Writing & Journalism (77)

Countries & Regions
Africa (1)
America / USA (4)
Belgium (1)
Canada (4)
China (1)
Egypt (3)
England (24)
France (17)
Germany (3)
Greece (2)
India (1)
Ireland (2)
Italy (8)
Middle East (1)
New Zealand (1)
North Africa (1)
Scotland (16)
South Africa (3)
South East Asia (1)
Sri Lanka (1)
Switzerland (8)
Wales (3)

American (1)
Biographical (1)
Book Covers & Jackets (2)
Book Plates (1)
Charles Dickens (4)
Children's Literature (16)
Fables (1)
Fairy Tales (3)
Feminist (1)
Horror (2)
Humour (3)
Lewis Carroll (2)
Magazines (1)
Myths & Legends (1)
Newspapers (2)
Nursery Rhymes (1)
Poetry (4)
Private Eye (1)
Punch (6)
Shakespeare (1)
Sherlock Holmes (1)
Vanity Fair (24)

British Counties & Regions
Avon (1)
Buckinghamshire (1)
Cotswolds (2)
Derbyshire (1)
Devon (8)
Dorset (2)
Essex (3)
Gloucestershire (7)
Hampshire (1)
Kent (8)
Lincolnshire (1)
Norfolk (2)
Nottinghamshire (1)
Somerset (3)
Staffordshire (1)
Surrey (2)
Sussex (4)
Warwickshire (1)
Wiltshire (1)
Yorkshire (12)

American / US Politics (5)
Brexit (8)
Conservative (7)
Domestic Politics (46)
European Politics (9)
Feminism (9)
House Of Commons (10)
House Of Lords (1)
Human Rights (1)
Industrial Relations (2)
International Politics (10)
Irish Politics (2)
Labour (1)
Liberal (3)
Political Parties (8)
Politics Of War (4)
Prime Ministers (16)
Racism (1)
Russian Politics (9)

Aquatic Animals (2)
Bears (1)
Birds (10)
Cats (4)
Chickens (3)
Cows & Cattle (14)
Deer (1)
Dogs (26)
Ducks (2)
Farm Animals (19)
Fish (1)
Horses (98)
Insects (3)
Mice & Small Rodents (5)
Monkeys & Apes (5)
Pigs (2)
Reptiles (1)
Sheep (16)
Wildlife (British) (1)

Athletics (3)
Boxing (1)
Cricket (5)
Cycling (1)
Football (6)
Golf (2)
Horse Racing (5)
Hunting & Shooting (5)
Motor Sports (1)
Rugby (1)
Skating (1)
Skiing (1)
Snooker & Pool (1)
Swimming & Diving (1)
Tennis (4)
Water Sports (1)
Winter Sports (2)

Coastal & Shore (15)
Cottage (3)
Farming & Agricultural (41)
Gardens (2)
Industrial (4)
Moonlight / Nocturne (2)
Mountains & Hills (12)
Parks (3)
Ports & Harbours (8)
Rivers (6)
Ruins (1)
Rural (37)
Sunsets & Sunrises (2)
Townscapes (36)
Villages (8)
Windmills & Mills (3)
Woods & Forests (3)

Bridges & Viaducts (6)
Castles & Palaces (3)
Churches & Cathedrals (13)
Domestic Houses (5)
Fountains (1)
Greek & Roman (1)
Livery Halls & Inns Of Court (8)
Public Buildings (15)
Public Sculpture (9)
Squares & Courtyards (8)
Stately Homes & Manor Houses (1)
Streets (13)
Temples (1)
Universities & Colleges (1)

Life Events & Traditions
Birthday (1)
Ceremonial Events (4)
Christening & New Baby (3)
Christmas (22)
Death & Funeral (7)
Divorce (1)
Engagement & Wedding (7)
Get Well / Illness (1)
Halloween (1)
New House (3)
New Job (3)
New Year (1)
Retirement (4)
Valentines (3)

Hobbies & Pastimes
Collecting (1)
Crafts (3)
D I Y (1)
Fishing (4)
Games (1)
Gardening (2)
Hunting & Shooting (6)
Keeping Fit (2)
Motoring (2)
Reading (2)
Riding (1)
Sailing / Yachting / Boating (2)
Shopping (10)
Television & Video Games (2)

Arts & Performing Arts
Actors (2)
Art & Artists (6)
Ballet & Dance (1)
Circuses (1)
Comedians (1)
Fairs, Festivals, Carnivals (1)
Film (1)
Music (20)
Opera (5)
Pantomime (1)
Radio (3)
Television (12)
Theatre (11)

Aeroplanes (5)
Boats & Ships (22)
Buses & Coaches (3)
Cars (15)
Commuting (3)
Horse Drawn Vehicles (10)
Lorries & Vans (1)
Motor Bikes & Bicycles (1)
Tanks & Military Vehicles (2)
Traffic (3)
Trains (6)

Domestic Life
Child Minding (2)
Cooking (3)
Dining (2)
Domestic Servants (1)
Gardening (2)
House & Home (4)
Housework (9)
Kitchen (2)
Neighbours (5)

Health & Lifestyle
Aging / Growing Old (4)
Coronavirus / Covid-19 (40)
Gambling (4)
Gay, Lesbian, LGBTQ+ (1)
Illness & Disease (20)
Money (4)
Obesity (2)
Romany / Travellers (1)

Ancient Rome (2)
Edwardian (1)
Georgian (2)
Regency (2)
Stone Age (2)
Tudor (1)
Victorian (5)
Wild West (1)

Babies (1)
Fathers (6)
Husbands & Wives (7)
Mother & Child (12)
Old Age (6)
Parents (2)
Sons & Daughters (11)
Teenagers (1)

Food & Drink
Alcohol / Wine (22)
Chocolate (1)
Coffee (1)
Cooking (4)
Dining (3)
Markets (8)
Restaurants, Bars, Pubs (22)

Birmingham (1)
Edinburgh (1)
London (46)
New York (3)
Paris (3)
Rome (3)
Venice (3)

Artist Portraits (4)
Caricatures (74)
Literary Portraits (23)
Political (5)
Sciences (1)
Theatrical (2)

Celebrity (2)
Genre (3)
Military (1)
Nudes (1)
Pretty Women (1)
Royalty (10)

Religion & Belief
Christianity (10)
Devil (1)
Heaven (1)
Hell (1)
Judaism (1)
Quaker (1)

Seasons & Weather
Season: Autumn (7)
Season: Spring (8)
Season: Summer (14)
Season: Winter (10)
Snow & Ice (8)
Storms (3)

Africa (1)
Asia (1)
Britain (4)
Europe (1)
North America (3)

Travel & Holidays
Air Travel (1)
Beaches & Seaside (3)
Holidays (7)
Rail Travel (4)
Tourism (1)

Medical School (1)
Oxford (1)
Public School (1)
School (9)
University (7)

Science & Engineering
Industry (3)
Invention (4)
Robots (2)
Space Exploration (2)
Technology (16)

Fairy & Fantasy
Animal Characters (2)
Ghosts (1)
Monsters (1)
Witches & Wizards (1)

Napoleon (1)
Official War Artist (8)
World War One (10)
World War Two (18)

Art Movements & Styles
Advertising (4)
Anthropomorphism (3)
Surrealism (1)

Design & Interiors
Decorative & Design (1)
Fashion & Costume (5)
Interiors (15)

Love & Sex
Erotic (4)
Marriage / Married Life (4)
Romance (3)

Childhood (4)
Playing (7)

Climate Change (5)
Pollution (3)

Flowers (2)
Trees & Shrubs (3)

Sculpture Size
Maquette (1)
Medium Size (3)

Specialist Area